Ori GPU cloud pricing

Access the most powerful NVIDIA GPU SKUs on demand. Quickly deploy cost-efficient Virtual Machine instances with flexible configurations and transparent pricing.

GPUsVRAM/GPUvCPUsRAM (GB)Storage SSDStrage NVMeBandwidth (Gbps)Price (USD)
1 × NVIDIA H100803038050384083.24/h
2 × NVIDIA H10016060760507680166.48/h
4 × NVIDIA H100320120152050153602512.97/h
1 × NVIDIA A100801518030083.29/h
2 × NVIDIA A10016030360500166.59/h
4 × NVIDIA A100320607205002513.16/h
1 × NVIDIA V100S32154530020.95/h
1 × NVIDIA V100S32154540022.15/h
2 × NVIDIA V100S64309080044.30/h
2 × NVIDIA V100S64309050041.91/h
4 × NVIDIA V100S12860180504000108.60/h
4 × NVIDIA V100S12860180500103.83/h
1 × NVIDIA V1001684530020.83/h
1 × NVIDIA V1001684540022.02/h
2 × NVIDIA V10032189080044.03/h
2 × NVIDIA V10032169040041.68/h
4 × NVIDIA V1006436180504000108.08/h
4 × NVIDIA V1006432180400103.35/h

Need more consistent, affordable access at scale?

Our private cloud is tailored to solve your custom requirements. Reserve large-scale GPU-accelerated infrastructure, from 8x H100 HGX SuperPods, to thousands of GPUs in a fully managed AI Data Center.